
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Think On It Thursday


Two thousand years before the incarnation of Jesus Christ on the earth, God used the Jewish people as a prophetic timepiece pointing straight to their Messiah Who was to come.  As God delivered the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt, He told them in Exodus 12 to take a 1- year old lamb without blemish and keep the lamb at their homes for 4 days.  Then on the 4th day at twilight, they were to kill the lamb and take the blood of the unblemished lamb and apply it to their doorposts.  Then when God sent the angel of death over Egypt that evening, wherever the blood of the unblemished lamb was applied, the people were saved.

What a beautiful prophetic foreshadowing of the perfect, unblemished Lamb of God
Who would come 2000 years later—Jesus Christ our Savior and Messiah.  Through His shed blood , all who believe on Him are saved.

As we approach the time of the death and resurrection of our Lord, take time to meditate on the beauty, truth and perfection of the word of God.  Read and meditate on the entire chapter of Isaiah 53.  Worship the One who, like a lamb led to slaughter did not open his mouth.  He did not utter a sound and gave His life willingly for you and for me.  What a magnificent Savior.  We worship you, Jesus!

~Frann Wohlers