
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

More, Please

I brushed past the tall mirror in my bedroom like I have a million times before. This mirror across from my closet, the one that receives the last-second-does-my-outfit-match question every morning before I walk out the door. As I walked past this time, my eye caught a glimpse of the card posted there and I hesitated. Eleven months this card inscribed with scripture has been hanging in the corner of my mirror, placed there to remind me to pray and reflect and claim the promises of God each day. “Immeasurably more.” Now I remember. Immeasurably more.


Just before flipping the calendar to 2014, Ephesians 3:16-21 kept crossing my path. I claimed it as my “life verse” for the year. 2014 was dubbed my “year of immeasurably more.” It seems to me now like a spiritualized version of a New Year’s resolution - all full of hope for a few weeks, even months. Then, the next thing I know, it’s December! Where did the time go?

“Where is the ‘immeasurably more,’ God?” I asked. My life looks about like it did a year ago. No major changes, nothing noteworthy in my opinion. I’m not sure exactly what I expected when I penned those verses on Italian stationary and scotch-taped it to my mirror. I knew it wasn’t a magic spell. I knew the things I’ve been hoping and dreaming for probably wouldn’t appear out of nowhere. But I guess I thought I’d see something different.

I remember years ago (and I’m sure it happened more than once), ripping open presents on Christmas Eve (our family’s tradition when I was growing up). I was giddy with excitement---paper flying, ribbons and bows piling up to be saved and used again next year. Then somewhere I reached a point when I realized the number of presents left with my name on them did not equal the rest of the things on my Christmas list. The tempo of my present opening slowed. I forced a smile and a thank you.  

As I think back on those moments, I just want to shake myself. “Girl! Seriously?! You got all these amazing gifts and this beautiful family who loves you! You’re sad because you didn’t get one or two silly things on a Christmas list?”

“Immeasurably more.” I sensed Jesus whispering to my deflated spirit,
I am your immeasurably more.
He is the “more.”
No matter what I think I deserve or earned for my 2014, when I stop and soak in the full-weight truth that Jesus gave Himself for me and walks with me every moment and has a plan and purpose for my life --- talk about immeasurably more!  I began reading Ann Voskamp’s beautiful Advent devotional the other day (The Greatest Gift), and God used even the very first entry to send this message home to my heart. “The mattering part is never what isn’t,” she says. “In Christ there is always more.” What a beautiful and much-needed truth for our weary hearts.


I don’t know about you, but during the busy holiday season, I tend to rush through my days just trying to keep my head on straight and often miss the beauty that is Jesus. So I have resolved to make space for Him in my December, to remember Who He is and how He loves. I don’t want to miss the real “immeasurably more” like my childhood self throwing a pity party over an absent Christmas list item. I am looking forward to savoring the beauty of Advent - the waiting month. The season of Hope. Hoping for blessing from God is a beautiful thing. He wants us to hope and dream and ask. But let’s not miss the real “immeasurably more.” Let’s fix our eyes square on His this Christmas season and worship Him wholeheartedly.

~Meredith M.