
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fall into a New Rhythm

Psalm 1:2-3 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.  In all that he does he prospers.

Autumn, how we love thee!  We gather your crops and fruits as we marvel at your color.  The countryside is ablaze with your beauty.  Slowly our thoughts begin to simmer with quieter, cozy days ahead.  Fall always beckons me outside with more urgency than its predecessor, tempting me with its pleasing temperatures and vibrant scenery.  Long walks, crunchy leaves and the smell of a campfire is a warm sweater to the soul. Did someone say sweater weather!?  Finally!  
As summer pushes us over the edge of adventure, fall comes alongside and whispers for us to slow our step and take it all in.  Walks with our little ones beg us to linger, to collect every shade of leaf, all the acorns we can carry and lay long on a soft pile of leaves with our faces to the sky, watching them fall.  These standstill moments are the beginning of a new rhythm. 

Thank goodness we don’t skip from summer, knee deep into snow!  We are gently, gracefully coaxed into the months of hibernation that lay before us.  Slowly but surely we get from point A to point B whether we like it or not.  For some, the thought of winter makes them grumpy!  Others find their happy place when the world is snow white.  I land somewhere in between.  Each year I eagerly welcome fall into winter and all the warm, snug, comfy routines that come with them but by February I’m a bit cranky.
 As the temperatures dip and force us inside, shoulder to shoulder with those we love, may we use this new rhythm to connect more deeply with our families and our God.  Is there a way to embrace this slower pace over without our spirits withering and our minds and bodies going stir crazy?    The season itself can remind us how to slow down and purposefully engage with those around us making the most of this time.

 Abide.  The days ahead are the perfect place to put on our comfy socks and settle into our favorite chair and be still, using these extra hours of darkness to spend some extra time with Jesus.  Abiding in his love, soaking up his word and allowing him to speak life into our hearts, keeping us from withering up like the leaves of the season.

Unplug.  Let’s look into each other’s eyes.  Unplug from our devices and plug into the eyes that are searching for ours.  How splendid it would be if we all forgot where we put our phones, didn’t check social media for more than a few hours and chose to live the life that is right here, right now.

Take a look back.  As we look ahead to a new year it’s valuable to reflect on what got us here.  Times ofrejoicing and days that fought to overcome us but through it all Jesus was faithful and we are changed.  As we remember God’s goodness, journaling can be a beautiful path to reflection.  Be encouraged that it’s never too late to begin!  

Unleash your creativity.  We all have creative threads running through us!  Go ahead, pull them out and weave them through the long days ahead.  Family craft nights could become a tradition.  Be brave, paint your first picture!  Learn to play an instrument or finally try those Pinterest projects you’ve pinned.  Create!

Make room.  Slowing our rhythm naturally allows for more space, more room for what’s important. Maybe reclaiming dinner as a family, making a new friend or reconnecting with one that is lost.  Leaving room for God to speak to us and reveal his plan for our moments.

Name your blessings.  A joyful heart is a thankful heart.  May we search for them as treasure and write them down…maybe in our journal!  What if we woke up tomorrow, with only the things we had thanked God for today…

