
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Gifts, Beauty, Twinkle Lights & Mangers

It is strange to sit in a quiet house in this stage of my life and especially during this busy season.  These days my life is typically anything but quiet.  Tonight my husband took our daughter on a dateand our son is asleep in his crib, leaving me with an evening to myself full of uninterrupted quiet and I have loved every second of it!  It has been awhile since I have felt full permission to slow down and just be still.  No one was watching. No one needed dinner.  No one was calling for my attention.  No one needed me to do anything for them.  I had waited a long time to experience this; simply being present and it felt like a gift. 

This is the time of year when we rush.  We hurry.  We over schedule.  We squeeze in as many errands, parties, events and celebrations as we possibly can.  We over spend, over eat, over indulge and we generally pay the price.  We set and succumb to unrealistic expectations.  The Most Wonderful Time of the Year often feels like anything but.  Our schedules swirl, but the true spirit of Advent, - this most special time of year- calls us not to just slow down, but even asks us to wait.  It asks us not to spend a dime, only receive.

It is always a struggle to slow ourselves down and savor the true meaning of the season. Children count days until packages can be unwrapped, adults count hours of opportunity to accomplish our to-dos.  We strive and always wonder if we have done enough.  I think what God wants us to remember during this season is that its not about whether we have done enough, it is that He alone is enough.  He is always enough.

This year as I practice celebrating Advent, I am also trying to give gifts that matter along with the gifts Ive purchased.  Im trying to give the gift of my full presence wherever I might be (not over-scheduling and giving my planner realistic boundaries).  I am offering my loved ones the gift of my full attention when they are speaking to me (this is hard for me because I often like to multi-task while Im listening).  Im working on giving the gift of encouragement wherever I see the opportunity and Im trying to practice receiving the gift of grace.

I love this time of year.  With faith, we welcome this season of Advent, filled with beauty, twinkle lights and mangers.  We sing familiar songs and bask in the candlelight.  We remember the story that changed the world as we re-read scriptures depicting the birth of our Lord and Savior.  As we journey through Advent, we sing with the angels, remember the shepherds and celebrate with the wise men.  We excitedly wrap beautiful gifts and place them beneath our decorated trees as we anticipate the arrival of Gods gift to us.  We are present as we revel with our families in the wonder of it all.  It is in these moments of anticipation where it feels impossible to forget that lifes truly important gifts are always worth the wait.

Oh, come let us adore Him.

~Sarah L.