
Friday, January 29, 2016

No Neutral Ground

C.S. Lewis said, "There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan." 

Do you agree with Lewis, that there is no such thing as neutral territory? If you believe God's Word is true then living like there is neutral ground where you can avoid the spiritual battles of this world is a little like rolling out a sleeping bag on the 50 yard line during the Superbowl game hoping to get in a long, relaxing nap. I'm not really a football fan, but I'm 99.9% sure when that kickoff whistle blows you're going to know for a fact sitting idle isn't an option. It won't take long for you to wake up and become aware you're in the middle of a fierce and divisive battle. You realize one team is playing with the confidence and joy of an assured win, and the other team just seems angry and disillusioned of their inevitable loss. 

In this life every breath, word, action, relationship, thought, and desire is an opportunity to either confirm or deny who God says He is and who He says you are. It's one reason why as followers of Jesus our suffering matters. It's never wasted and always has significance we cannot measure or even see. It's a chance for us to find out firsthand whether God really is our refuge, our strength, and our present help during times of trouble. It's our opportunity to try out the power of prayer. Do you know from experience that Jesus' kind of joy supersedes circumstances? Have you experienced the presence of Holy Spirit so concretely that you've been left shaken? Can you look back on any past pain and point to God's ability to breathe new life into places you swore were hopeless? Do you know God's promises for your life aren't just good intentions, but active absolutes? 

God loves us too much to leave any hint of neutral territory. Instead, He's tells us we're going to battle hardships and hands us the assignment of a lifetime using His weapons and armor to stand against evil and fight for the freedom of others. It's an invitation to join in and experience a life more abundant than anything we've known. It's fighting because we know we're free and we're willing for fight for others to know it as well. 

John 8:32 "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."