
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Who is Jesus?

How many of us look to our own strength and talents to get us through our days? We as women in particular, feel the need to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps and rise above. This could manifest in so many different ways—overcoming personal illness to care for children (or husbands), delaying sleep to finish on a deadline for work after volunteering for this or that, going above and beyond the call of duty preparing a meal for a friend with a newborn baby simply to prove that we have everything together and in perfect order. I'll even divulge, I'm currently multitasking by writing this post on my phone, in the car on the way to a wedding shower (do not worry, my husband is driving)! Can anyone else relate?

I have been a follower of Jesus almost my entire life. Raised in a church-going, Jesus-seeking, abundantly-blessed home. I have known his faithfulness and his mercy. However, it was not until recently when the rubber has truly met the road in my life—in the health of my immediate family, my marriage relationship, my career, etc. I’ve always known my need for Jesus, but mostly as an intellectual concept. Never once has it felt that without him, my life will rip apart at the seams and fall into a million pieces.

It has been in this place that I have come to see Jesus as my calm in the storm, my sole provider, and my only source of strength. In all of these situations, I have no control. I cannot “fix” any of them on my own. My manager personality is on the fritz as I, by myself, cannot solve anything. So in the midst of hardship, Jesus has become more immediate and more real. My need for his person-hood is a gut wrenching, cry from my heart.

Who is Jesus to me in this context?

First, Jesus is the redeemer of the earth and all in it—including the land, animals, humankind, Americans, Kansans, my family, myself. He is the only one who can bring about wholeness in the world. Even if I may want to, I cannot force it on anything or anyone, only Jesus can bring it about.

“For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.” Isaiah 54:5

Jesus is the calm in the storm, a moment of respite from my overly busy days (I’ll admit, in this season of life, I’ve heard his prompting to prioritize the important things. Listened to his voice to remove extra activities that while good things, may not be of most significance).

“Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.” Psalm 62:8

Jesus is my ultimate source of strength. He knows better than I what is the ideal in my life, even if I disagree in that moment. Perhaps I should try going to him in prayer first, trusting that he knows more than me? (I personally find this very difficult to do!)

“I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4: 12-13

So ladies, take heart in who Jesus is! We are not alone, and do not need to single handedly save the world. Let him take the wheel.

He is the better driver anyway!

Blessings on you all,
Sherèe Lutz

At-Home Study

Pray: ask God to reveal Himself to you through the scriptures, to help you receive the message He has specifically for you today.

Read: each passage twice in 2-3 different translations.

{Day1} Matthew 4:1-11

{Day 2} Luke 22:39-44

{Day 3} Mark 14:53-62

{Day 4} Isaiah 53:1-12

{Day 5} Matthew 27:62-28:10

Observe: What is happening? What catches your attention? What is the message of this passage?What thoughts or feelings does it provoke?

Reflect: Why do these things catch your attention? Why do you feel or think certain things from reading it?

Apply: What does this say about God? What does it say about people? What does it say about God's plan for us? What does this mean for you? How can you apply what God is saying to you?