
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Whose Day Tuesday

Whose Day Highlight: Denise W.
Family Stats: married to Mark, mom to Maddy (7) and Lexi (2)
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Hospitality, Helps
Spiritual Pathways: Intellectual, Relational, Serving
Passions: learning, God!, chocolate, my family
Pet Peeves: when people leave an empty toilet paper roll!
Secret Shames: love reading People Magazine, blog reading
Books That You Love: Jesus Calling devotional, Elizabeth Berg novels, The Life You’ve Always Wanted by Ortberg, The Help
Can't Live Without: chocolate, hot tea, my to-do list and sticky notes
Favorite Room In Your House: kitchen/living room
Favorite Tradition: making Christmas cookies with my kids, niece and nephews every Christmas Eve