
Friday, November 2, 2012

Finding Time and Motivation to Exercise

It is always amazing to me how quickly I forget the fruit that develops from regular exercise.  Earlier this summer, my schedule  finally opened up and allowed for me to work out on a regular basis.  I  found a class that I LOVED attending and looked forward to each day.  I trusted the child care and while it was not always easy to get there, once I was there, I just disappeared into the music and let the instructor tell me what to do. It was wonderful.  My clothes began to fit differently, the numbers on the tags got smaller, my energy level went up, and so did my confidence.  I felt capable.  I felt healthy and I felt strong in my body, mind and spirit.

I should tell you that working out regularly is not something I naturally default toward.  Oh, how I wish I did.  No, it takes a lot of effort for me.  While I do enjoy a good work out and savor the inward and outward glow that comes from physical exertion, given my druthers, I’d choose to curl up on the couch with a good book and a blanket any day.  It is amazing how many creative excuses pop into my mind when it comes time to decide whether or not to work out on a given day.

Flash forward to today.  It’s been over a month since we moved into our new house and I have not worked out once since we moved.  Boxes have been gradually disappearing as ever so slowly I have been getting our family settled.   It seems that every free moment has been consumed with unpacking, cleaning, organizing and de-cluttering.  And free moments that have not been spent doing those tasks, have been spent thinking about how I should be doing them.  (Having a toddler underfoot has done nothing to expedite the process or diminish my frustration level either!)

I have felt frustrated, depressed, hopeless and socially invisible these past couple of months.  My spirits and energy level for anything have been l-o-w.  When I’m feeling this way, I tend to gravitate toward food and lethargy- a dangerous combination.  My list of excuses for not working out (aside from going for walks with my daughter) has been long....too much to do, need to find a new workout place closer to our new home (which is a hassle), child care concerns, scheduling conflicts with class times on and on. 

Until today.  It was a very long day in our house, lots of things to accomplish, lots of tears, lots of frustrations and finally, I reached my limit and we packed into the car and headed off to find a possible new place to work out simply because I needed a break!  It was challenging, but after an hour of sweat and physical exertion, I was beyond thankful we had faced all of the deterrents in my mind that had been standing in our way of doing this sooner and had gotten back on track.  I’m even going again tomorrow.  

It is worth every bit of effort and hassle to get there and in the future, when life gets busy, and especially with the holidays looming, I hope I never forget it!

Having a difficult time jump starting your work out too?  Here are some things to consider:

First thing- pray.  Ask God to fill you with a supernatural desire to exercise and take care of yourself.  Ask him to help you to be the best example of health and positive self care you can be for your children and family.  Ask him to help clear any obstacles that may be standing in your way (attitude, energy, illness etc).  Ask him to fill your heart with grace toward yourself as you work to get this area of your life back on track.

Then ask yourself- 

  1. What kind of worker-outer are you?  Do you enjoy solitary exercise (you and a treadmill)? Are you more energized by a class setting? (Zumba, Step etc), Do you need a friend to go walking/running with you?  Do you prefer a DVD in your own home?
  • Find what you love to do and what makes the time fly and do that!  Regularly!

  1. Tell someone about your struggle and your desire to change.  Ask them to hold you accountable for exercising/eating healthy...whatever your challenge may be.

3. Be prepared to take little steps toward progress each day and be kind to yourself on the journey.  Our children’s impressionable eyes are watching! 

- Sarah L.