
Friday, February 27, 2015

Step Into Grace

Sometimes you just have to restart. This blog post, for example, has been started three times. The other two started fine, but I had so much I wanted to include in the first, I feared I might never finish it. The second started strong then fell flat.  I think it’s kinda like computers. You know, when you start getting error messages or it freezes? You call the help desk and the first thing they ask is  “have you restarted it?”

And how many things have I started just to have something (life?) come along and knock me off course? Sometimes it feels too overwhelming to right the cart and get back on track. There are certain times that feel easier to start or restart something. The new year, when the kids go back to school, next month, Monday, maybe even tomorrow.

Oh and the plan!! I can make a plan like no other! Researching is probably one of my favorite past times.  I just like to learn. Armed with information, how do I not go all out? I’ll read the whole Bible through this year. I’ll follow this perfect home cleaning schedule. NO MORE FAST FOOD! No more yelling at the kids.

I’ve shared this with enough of my girlfriends to know I’m not alone in this. We have the best of intentions. We want to grow and do better. It’s easy to get discouraged by all of the “failed” attempts piled up in our past. It’s easy to forget about grace.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.”
-Lamentations 3:22-23

It can be difficult to accept and step into grace. I’ve found it’s much easier to dance into it. No joke! A sweet friend performed a dance to the song below and it truly inspired me to do the same. So I went home and I *started* practicing accepting grace through dancing to this song.

Now, my plan of practicing this has long since been interrupted, but one day when things were just going down hill and I found myself wishing I could restart the day, the Spirit reminded me of this. I was in the bathroom with my youngest son and it was ugly. We were both a mess. Frustrated, sad, and maybe even a little angry with one another, I grabbed my phone turned one of his favorite songs on and we danced.  Even though it wasn’t the beautiful voice of Christy Nockels singing about the grace of Jesus pouring over us, it did.

We didn’t get to restart, but we were blessed by the reset of our day. In that moment outside of our situation, we both gave and received grace.

Nanette H.