
Saturday, February 20, 2016


I love IKEA. And not just because of low prices, modern styles and the smell of cinnamon rolls at the checkout lane. I love IKEA because I have an affinity for ready-to-assemble furniture. I’m not kidding. Some may cringe or have heart palpitations at the thought of such a task, but not me. I say bring it on.

My love is two-fold: having a picture of what something is supposed to look like, and having explicit directions on how to get there. With confidence, I can know that if something didn’t turn as expected, it is merely because I missed a step. And a solution is as easy as retracing my moves and completing the direction correctly. It’s that simple.

I wish life were like that. Imagine if we were given a complete set of instructions on how to assemble events and things that happen to us. If only we could put together a beautiful and sturdy life structure with an Allen wrench (the crooked tool that comes with every piece of IKEA furniture) and good twist of the wrist.

Sometimes I wish I had a picture of how life was supposed to turn out. A promise that everything would be fine in the end, as long as I continue to make the right choices. It would be helpful to know that as long as I do A, followed by B, then C would surely happen. If the directions were followed exactly, then I should be good to go.

But here is the thing, that’s not how God works. God has been teaching me lately that His love for us is so much bigger than that. He loves us far more than we could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20), and God’s plan for us far exceeds anything we can come up with on our own (Isaiah 55:8).

And unlike my IKEA bookshelf directions, God doesn’t show everything to us at once. Psalm 119:105 says “God’s word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” A light doesn’t reveal the end of a trail; but rather, only a few steps in front of the traveller. You must step out in faith in order to see further down the path.

It is during those moments of uncertainty that we can choose to trust in God. That’s what He wants from us. He wants us to let go of OUR plan and simply draw near to Him. (Mathew 11:28).

How do we do that? Maybe spend five minutes in prayer each morning this week, thanking God for a new sunrise and asking Him to guide your day. Maybe choose one verse from the Bible that encourages you to trust in God and reminds you that He is in control, and that His plan for your life far exceeds anything you can come up with on your own. I’ve listed some of my favorites above.

Be encouraged, for God promises (Psalm 32:8) “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.”

Rebekah H.