
Thursday, October 6, 2016

How Can I Have Faith?

I think believers and unbelievers alike often ask themselves this question in some form or another. How do I do this? How do I keep going? Especially when we feel like we're up against the ropes.

Hebrews 11 is often referred to as "The Hall of Faith"

There we find a picture of what having faith looks like:

Acknowledging that God created this world and everything in it, every person and people group.
Admitting that God exists and our heart longs for Him.
Attempting to follow His instructions, even when we don't see the reasoning or know the destination.
Asserting ownership of God's promises, as impossible as they may seem.
Aching for the heavenly places prepared for us.
Appreciating and blessing those around us.
Audaciously expecting Him to protect you, guide you, and strengthen you.
Accepting and abiding in His unconditional love and presence.

When my faith feels shaky and I'm questioning how to proceed, I lean-in and lean-on God. Even when all my emotions direct me to the opposite. We can look to the Word of God for example after example of what walking by our faith looks and feels like.

The definition of courageous is not deterred by danger or pain.
The definition of brave is to endure or face something in spite of fear.

Practicing my faith, even when my emotions would have otherwise, gives me courage and makes me brave.

Nanette Haskin

At-Home Study

Pray: ask God to reveal Himself to you through the scriptures, to help you receive the message He has specifically for you today.

Read: each passage twice in 2-3 different translations.

{Day 1} Revelation 3:20

{Day 2} John 10:22-30

{Day 3} Hebrews 11

{Day 4} Romans 8:1-17

{Day 5} Ephesians 2:1-10

Observe: What is happening? What catches your attention? What is the message of this passage?What thoughts or feelings does it provoke?

Reflect: Why do these things catch your attention? Why do you feel or think certain things from reading it?

Apply: What does this say about God? What does it say about people? What does it say about God's plan for us? What does this mean for you? How can you apply what God is saying to you?