My middle daughter is attending her final day in Mothers
Together childcare this week. She’s been
reminding me for days that next year she’ll be in preschool and not at “Mommy’s
Bible study” anymore. I’m excited for
her to step out into the rigors of academia next year at the ripe age of five,
but in reflecting over her past three years attending Mothers Together with me
I know she’ll be missing out on experiencing something that has come to be very
special to us both.
Every Wednesday she is welcomed into her church home filled
with her spiritual moms that have grown to know and love her. Hand-in-hand we straggle into The Dock bright
and early to help set up or prepare for our morning and pouring over her are the
sounds of our amazing worship band, Alabaster Box. Her eyes light up and her dimples deepen when
she recognizes the song they’re playing for Jesus. She knows we study The Bible
and learn about Jesus in the “mommy’s class”. It’s easy for me to share with
her what we’re learning about on our drive home on Wednesday mornings. Our children know us; the good, the bad, and
the ugly, and I know my daughter sees me being authentic with the women I
encounter at Mothers Together. Many
lessons in life are better caught than taught and I hope she’s caught the truth
that Christ-centered friendships are priceless. I know she may not remember the
details of our Wednesday mornings at MT in the years to come, but I pray that
the seeds that have been planted by being surrounded by a community of truth seeking,
relationship building, and most of all, Jesus loving women will grow into a
desire to know this God and keep her chasing after Him her whole life long. Our theme verses this year have been from Ephesians 1:17-19, “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,” and I want to close out our year praying these blessings plant the seeds of desire to know a God who loves us so much that it is pure joy to chase after Him our whole lives long as well.
Father of glory, thank you for the opportunity to know you more personally this year. You have provided a place for us to encounter your spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of you in Mothers Together this year. I ask that you continue to enlighten the eyes of our hearts as we move forward and know, in the deepest part of ourselves, the hope to which you have called us. Remind us often that as your daughters, our glorious inheritance is rich indeed and teach us how to live out the truth of that promise each and every day.
Lastly, if you have a nudge or are feeling called to become more involved in Mothers Together we would love to hear from you. Becoming part of our team is a great way to build relationships and serve God in new and exciting ways. Contact Tara Gazaway at or Jena Meyerpeter at for more information.
Jena Meyerpeter