- a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.
- plan, schedule or arrange when (something) should happen or be done.
- the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, past, present,
or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events
succeed one another.
Last Fall when we were presented with the question at Women Unplugged, "What is one of the most meaningful gifts you've ever given or been given?", I didn't have an answer. As I left Heartland that morning, I was still pondering the question. As I did, I began to feel ungrateful. I have received many beautiful and meaningful gifts over the years; jewelry that was purchased with purpose and meaning, Mud Pie dishes that friends and family have given toward my dish collection "addiction", and lots of others. All very meaningful.
As the day went on, I realized, however, the most meaningful gift for me was and is TIME. My daughters know one thing I treasure is coffee or lunch out with friends. Time away from life's demands, just to talk, share, pray, over a good cup of coffee or meal.
Time with my Mom, who lives in Montana. Time with family and friends that still live in Montana. When I travel back, I make sure I contact everyone to set up a time to get together, just so we can have a little time to reconnect.
After our last class reunion, my girlfriends and I decided we needed to get together more often than every 10 years. We discussed the fact that we had lost several friends to cancer and other situations, and recognized time is priceless. We have since met every summer, rotating to each other's homes/cities, enjoying each other's company while we just be.
And after almost 30 years of marriage, time with my husband. We were great at doing date night before we had our girls. Once they were born, we dedicated every free moment to them. Having fought infertility, we were willing and ready to spend all of our time with these precious gifts. Date nights went away and really, time together went away.
Well, life passes by and they grow up. Along the way, life throws you unexpected trials that consume your every waking moment. Time is spent on your knees praying for your child to do well, to be successful as she moves away on her own. Time is spent praying your child will surrender, and be healed of the ugliness life has dealt her.
Time becomes spent in prayer, for your husband & his career, your marriage, your children and their life choices, for family, and for the beautiful friends God has placed in your life along the way.
And finally, time is spent again with my husband; date days and date nights. A real treasure getting to know each other again, spending that one on one time we knew so long ago. Time planning our trips to visit our oldest daughter in Dallas, travel to see family, and just travel.
Many gifts we hold in our hands, place on a shelf for display, or give away. But the gift of Time is one we can share and hold in our hearts forever.
May 2017 be a year where you allow yourself Time; time to be intentional, time to be restored, time to get to know your spouse again, time to pray, and time to get to know Your Heavenly Father more. After all, He is the giver of time.
With that, my word for 2017? "Time"
Chris Jones
Chris is a prayer warrior among our community. Her words feel like a prayer from her heart for all of us.
If you're curious about or considering a word for the year of 2017, WU Coordinator Kristy Smith recommends reading
this post by Margaret Feinberg with a FREE download to walk you through prayerful exercises and asking God what word He wants to awaken you to this year.