
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jesus in the Day to Day

If there is one thing I have learned in parenthood, (and sometimes I feel that is just the case), is that everything is seasonal. What I mean, is that nothing lasts too long.  I’m the mother of two little ones and it’s easy to see that they change so much every week, every month.  Behavior, sleep patterns, eating schedules, you know what I mean.

And when I say nothing lasts too long, I’m talking about both the not so good stuff and good stuff. For example, my nine-month-old son is not yet sleeping through the night. (For the love, little one, let your mama sleep!). I get through sleepy days because I know this won’t last forever. Or at least, I surely hope I’m not rocking him to sleep after a midnight feeding the night before he starts high school. For crying out loud!

But then there are things I don’t want to end. Another example, my daughter’s first word was “tickle”. She said it at 8 months. And honestly, I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t have it on video. A priceless, darling video. One that I would not have taken if it weren’t for my sister. My sister suggested capturing this on video because one day she might stop saying it. I never imagined that would happen. But sure enough, a day after my video, two weeks after she became obsessed with saying “tickle” all day long, she stopped. Just like that.

Sometimes being the mother of two young children seems like I’m just waiting until the next stage begins. The one where we’ve gotten rid of the binkie or the one where we can finally go number two on the potty!! Sometimes I get so caught up with waiting, that I forget to look to Jesus.

Jesus wants to walk through these stages with me. It’s so easy to forget that Jesus wants to hold my hand through everything. It’s easy to associate the need for Jesus when we experience a tragedy or the thought to praise Him when we have something really big to celebrate. But it’s when life is regular and we’re waiting out the seasons, that He also wants to show us His greatness.

He’s calling to us. I imagine He is gently whispering, I am with you, I am with you, I am with you. You don’t have to go through this alone. Everyday and in every season. I am ever present and I want to give you the desires of your heart. Even if that desire is getting more sleep or making it through the day with one less toddler meltdown. Jesus doesn’t just want me to get through each stage, Rather, He wants to go through them with me. Holding my hand, loving me and showing me His greatness. I just have to let Him hold my hand, let Him love me and let Him show me His greatness.

Psalms 37:4 “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Matthew 28:20 “…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

-Rebekah H.