
Monday, October 20, 2014

Bold Choice

“In the end, it is our decision how close we come (to God) and how willing we are to risk being consumed.”
Mike Breen, Covenant & Kingdom: The DNA of the Bible

I love everything about this sentence!

It kind of perfectly sums up having a relationship with God. There is no sugar coating, no long explanations, no talks of grace or fear, just a decision to be made:

Will we let God consume us?

He will do just that too. He will take your world flip it upside down, then shake it up a bit more, often leaving you in wonderment and breathless.

But, He never lets go. He has consumed you, he is engaged and invested fully and will use you up completely for His will…IF… we are willing. 

We can walk away. It is our choice! Being a Christian is a bold choice. 

People don’t really talk about that, come to think of it I’ve never heard anyone say 
being a Christian, a follower of Christ, is a bold choice.”

People really should say that!

It was a ballsy move for 12 men to leave their lives and families and follow a stranger into complete chaotic uprising. 

It was a bold move for a prostitute to think, to ask, a holy man (THE holiest of men)  to give her a new life.

It was bold for a wilderness man to go to prison for loving our God. 

It is a bold move for people to travel across the world to foreign lands simply to spread love. 

It is a bold move to be seen with the unwanted, be it drop outs, druggies, immigrants, sick, homeless… (my list could go on and probably is politically incorrect but you get the point).

I think another word for bold is uncomfortable, maybe even inconvenient, definitely rewarding. 

According to Merriam-Webster bold is 

not afraid of danger or difficult situations
showing or needing confidence or lack of fear

So, yup, I stand by my statement, people should talk about how bold it is to be a Christian. 

We are choosing to give our lives away, to be consumed. That is a risk for those who don’t believe. 

We get to choose to step too close to the fire and catch ablaze. However, when we are consumed by God’s flame our lives will glow because of it. 

Maybe not in the safe, predictable way that roasting marshmallows by the fire might sound

But as for me, I’d rather dance in the flame. 

For our God is a consuming fire.