What if we really believed?
What if we really believe that God had a purpose for our life?
If we truly lived out His plan? Oh man! Can you imagine?!!?
What if we wholeheartedly believed that we were uniquely, specifically
made and placed in our space for such a time as this?
What if every morning we asked, 'What is God saying and what am I going to do about it?"
If I saw my day through His eyes? If I loved fully, no compromise--not weighing the pros and cons.
from the sun’s dawns to the night's skies, living from the outpouring of His grace,
making space for living face-to-face.
What if?
What if we wholeheartedly believed that we were uniquely, specifically
made and placed in our space for such a time as this?
What if we brought Him with us where we already work and live and play, each day,
allowing him to be OUR way, OUR truth, OUR life? What if?
What if we listened to understand, offered a hand, erased that line in the sand--for something even
greater that He has planned?
What if we fixed our eyes on Jesus?
What if we pursued justice?
What if we were courageous and strong...and we sang one song,
that we belong--to each other, my sisters and brothers.
What if?
What if we whole heartedly believed that we were uniquely, specifically
made and placed in our space for such a time as this?
What if we had a posture of gratefulness? What if we choose to see wonder in creation,
in a smile and in a leaf...walking through the painful beautiful space of grief...with God's everlasting
hope as our guide, and we joyfully invited all others inside to see that they are too...
Uniquely, specifically, made and placed in our space for such a time as this?
What if?
What if we cared for the orphan, the widow, prisoner and stranger, released from our fears of danger.
To step out into the unknown...because we are known, by He who is on the throne.
What if we wholeheartedly believed
that we were uniquely, specifically
made and placed in our space
for such a time as this?
What if we moved from understanding to belief, to faith in action, displaying just a fraction of holy discontent...let us mourn, let us lament.
Knowing that the valleys are not the dream deferred,
But the dream defined. For God changes things, by first changing us.
And because,
Sometimes late at night, you just have to write,
To get things off your chest, so you can lay down and rest.
Because real rest for your soul only comes from The One who's in control.
And like Ms. Shirer states, we can't land our own plane,
We gotta talk to the control tower, that's our power.
We gotta get in that prayer lane.
Armor activation she says,
On our knees daily for that helmet of salvation.
The King of all creation, the Maker of the birds and the trees gifting me with truth in a belt,
"Um, yes please!" And I will stand firm with that buckled 'round my waist,
Because what a waste that would be, choosing not to fly free,
In the freedom that is found when walking on holy ground,
With the gospel of peace in our shoes, whether in toms or in keens, we've got nothing to lose.
See, we're fighting in this war whether we see it or not,
So I'll get that breastplate on, sword in my hand, take a stand, and hold firm that faith shield like we're taught.
And like my girl Jena so eloquently reminded me back a few weeks,
Of those truth-filled words CS Lewis speaks,
There is NO neutral ground on this universe found,
For every square inch, second, minute and hour God claims for his kingdom,
The enemy comes to devour.
That master illusionist with his arrows a flame,
See, I'm on to your game. You use tricks and deception, distraction and disguise,
But my God's truth shines a spotlight on your lies.
See His word is a light unto my path,
It's just simply math...the Trinity, plus me, equals for-ever free,
Like the "Jesus freak" doodled on my junior high folder,
But I've fallen more deeply in love since I've grown older,
With the Prince of Peace, my King of Kings,
for whom my soul sings.
I sing because I'm happy, yes!
I sing because I'm free.
I sing because I'm confident, He's won the victory.
So, step out soldier, and stand tall.
He's got your trust fall. For He knows the plans He has for you,
To give you hope and a future with no harm, as we stand arm to arm fervent,
Battling daily to be His good and faithful servant.
By Angela Scalise