
Monday, April 8, 2013

Jesus Created Us Specifically to Disciple Our Children

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Being a mom is like playing a game of Chutes and Ladders.  One day it's three steps forward and up the ladder of progress you go. Your daughter, for example, aces a test she's been studying so diligently for or your son asks Jesus to live in his heart.  Those are the days where we know what we're doing is making a difference and we're winning the game, so to speak.  

Another day, it's six steps forward but you end up sliding down a slide of setbacks. Sometimes that looks like trying to get to Bible study on time to find that your baby has rubbed shampoo all over her clothes and your 3 year old peed the bed.  Other times, it's more serious.  All of those slides leave us irritated, frazzled or defeated.

It's too bad you can't get a degree in "Successful Parenting" before you become one because it's an ambiguous and high pressure job that doesn't afford days off.  It requires persistence, an abundance of patience, preplanning all the while an ability to adapt at any given moment, unconditional love and humility.  Not to mention, we're accountable to God.  No pressure, right?

Who knew we'd be called to such a responsibility the day we became a Mom and yet are we surprised?  He created us to love and be empathetic. He knit us together after His own heart and made us to be the soft, fluffy pillow our children can fall into and nuzzle against.  He made us to withstand nine rounds in the ring of pregnancy with all of the crazy stuff our bodies and emotions went through. Or, the long and oftentimes messed up process of being a "forever mommy" to a little one loved as much as if they were from inside us so we'd come out fighting for what's best for them, our little peeps.  He made us to have a pretty exterior with a grizzly bear in hiding on the inside that appears when protecting our cubs' hearts.  He made us with wings to shelter our little chicks from the wind and rain and an endurance to run the race for which He's called us to as Moms.  

By Christy Drummond