
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

God Doesn't Need Us To Say Yes

I apologize that the post is late this week. I forgot how crazy life is with a newborn! So, while I am busy with our family's YES, please read and click through to a post that really resonates with me. We (Heartland) are in no way affiliated with the blog or work they are doing, I just think it is awesome and pray the message is one you can relate to or be empowered by!
- Katrina
But here’s the truth we must understand: GOD DOESN’T NEED US TO SAY YES.

He’s God. He created oceans and land and the world with a thought. He doesn’t depend on us to say yes. He can accomplish in a second what we labor in for years.

But He invites us to say yes.

He invites us because obedience changes us from the inside out. Saying yes causes us to depend on him because His ask is always bigger than our ability. He wants us to experience the impossible, the miracle in the mess so that He will be glorified.

...head over HERE to Kristen's blog We Are THAT Family to read more and see a short video about her family's YES.