
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wisdom Wednesday

"How to Knot Parent"
by Kasey Johnson, guest speaker

Discussion Questions for Table Groups:
Choose an item from nature to represent your family (tornado, warm spring breeze, thorn bush, hay bail, ivy) and tell us why that item symbolizes your family (examples: we’re uptight, have stress in our home, everyone is relaxed, feel like people are constantly running around and things are crazy, etc…).
Bible study Questions for Blog:
While here on earth Jesus told lots of stories. Read Luke 6:46-49 and think about how you can make this story come to life with your kids. Whether you talk to them about using kind words, sharing toys or how you take time to read the word and be with your friends….we do all these things to help build a foundation for our current and future life so that we have a firm foundation!
Christ is our firm foundation, a rock that cannot be shaken. The great commission extends to us as mothers and as parents – we are to build this fantastic foundation for our family too! As you read 1 Corinthians 3:9-11 hold tight to the words, “…build with care”…it’s not about being perfect, it’s about being available and being obedient to God’s calling on our life. He will show us where the foundation is weak, how to fix it and He will provide peace when the world tries to shake the foundation we have laid.
Stay in the word, hold tight to God’s promise and keep meeting together! You are an amazing group of women and each of you has so much to give to your family and this world – you are wonderful!
Kasey Johnson