
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A True Warrior

Knowing our identities in Christ is like layers of a never ending onion.  Just when you think you've grasped it and are getting to the core of the thing you discover another layer...and another, and another. It's exciting, it sometimes feels like hard work, and it's a kind of Good that I can't seem to find elsewhere in this life. Sometimes God places people or circumstances in my life that call out a new strength I have in Him, His Word (The Bible) comes alive in new ways I hadn't seen before, and my faith muscle is stretched.
This week we are looking at who we are in Christ as true warriors for his kingdom.  For me, this is one of those topics that is really stretching my faith and I sense God calling out a newer, stronger belief and understanding in who He has created me to be in His image and in His kingdom right here on Earth. It's like I just arrived at boot camp and God's sharpening my skills and showing me all He has equipped me with for battle. Are you there with me?  Let's look at the characteristics of a TRUE WARRIOR and learn what it means to "fight the good fight" (1 Tim 6:12)

A True Warrior...
· Called not hired. 
 Have a strategy and vision. Focus on one battle at a time. 
· Intentional vs reactive. Develop a plan for how to fulfill the vision (Psalms 90:12, Psalms 90:17) .
 · Establish covenant relationships (accountable relationships built on deep trust and honesty).
· Practice long and hard to perfect skills and develop discipline. Requires practice and being intentional with time.
 · Mentally tough and determined.
 · Dedicated to serving God.
 · Mindset of victory and not of fear - God is victorious.
 · Constantly learning from their current situations or challenges because they know those learnings will help build skill and strength needed at a later time. 
· Honor-bound to something higher than themselves. Follow and surrender to stringent guidelines that require commitment and discipline.
Heavenly Father, give us kingdom vision to see ourselves as the warriors You have created us to be.  You instruct us to "guard our hearts above all else" (Prov 4:23) and we thank you for the weapons to do so.  We ask for strength to stand in the face of evil and a holy determination to do your kingdom work in our own lives.  It's in Jesus' name we ask, Amen.
