
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ID Protection

There's nothing new or modern about identity theft.  Think about what happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden.  The devil convinced Eve and Adam to question their God-given identities.  Look at David and Goliath...how many people questioned and tried to "steal" David's God-given identity from him as he faced down Goliath? Jesus even faced down every attack possible on His identity in the wilderness (Mark 4:1-11).

This week we are moving into our final phase of learning about our identities in Christ as we round out this spring semester.  Week after week it's been a beautiful, long journey of discovering who God made us to be, who we are in Christ, and how we can live out those identities in every faucet of our lives.  For the next several weeks we will be looking at how God has equipped us to protect those identities, and what that means for the "dailyness" of our real lives.

As we go through our week, let's meditate and really soak in these three sections of Scripture from today's teaching. Read them often and ask God to open up the eyes and ears of your heart to know His ways.  Let the truths and principles outlined in these verses really soak in as you ask God to reveal himself to you.  How do these verses challenge your "God is..." or "I am..." beliefs? 

 ROMANS 3:10-12; 21-25 
We cannot earn our way to righteousness.  Our righteousness comes through faith in the Son of God.  There is only One who is righteous and that is Jesus Christ.  It is HIS righteousness in us that moves God to “justify” us—to “declare us righteous. “ Our identity does not come from how we see ourselves or how we see one another.  Our true identity comes from how God sees us.  God sees us through the shed blood of His Son and He declares us righteous.

Ask God to give you a hunger for His word.  Ask His Holy Spirit to give you a supernatural ability to know His word so that it is IN you.  Ask God to give you the grace to BELIEVE what He says about your true identity.

May Paul’s prayer for you become a reality for you.