Read Philippians 4:8
Take a mental inventory of your thought life. Ask yourself the question:
“What do I think about most of the time”? Do my thoughts line up with Philippians 4:8? You can even start writing your thoughts down. This will begin to reveal the areas that you struggle with.
As you inventory your thoughts, you will begin to categorize them and better understand the condition of your mind. Are you consumed with thoughts of fear and anxiety; doubt and unbelief; judgmental or critical thoughts, controlling or manipulative thoughts?
We are often unaware of the types of thoughts that consume us. As we begin to understand our areas of struggle, we can then identify these thoughts when they enter our minds. Then we can do what it says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Romans 12:2! Then we can live the abundant and victorious life that God desires for us!