As we begin this holiday season, take time today to reflect upon the traditions you hold dear within your family. Grab a pen and paper for this exercise:
Write a list of your family's Christmas traditions, as well as traditions you would like to incorporate into your celebration.
Now, at the top of the page, in big letters, write one word to describe how you would like your family to experience Christmas this year. JOY. PEACE. FUN! JESUS. SACRED. LAUGHTER. GRATITUDE.
Look over your traditions list again and ask yourself which traditions contribute to your "one word" focus, and which don't. Do your rituals intentionally invite in the Spirit of your "one word": JOY? PEACE? LAUGHTER? JESUS? Are there some traditions that detract from your experience of that "one word", and are you willing to cross them out to make room for something better?
Your time this holiday season is precious. Decide now how you want to spend it.