
Friday, October 31, 2014

Bold Faith

by Stephanie Morrill

Have you ever had things you wanted to dodreams you wanted to chase, classes you wanted to take, a boy you wanted to dateand been told that you were wrong?

I started dating my husband when we were thirteen. We met on a youth group retreat. One youth leader remarked to me, "You can't date Ben now! He's the guy you're supposed to marry!"

When we broke up our junior year of high school, we were told that was wrong too. (And while I certainly didn't handle things the way I wish I had, it was amazing to watch God go all Romans 8:28 on us and work it out for our good.)

And when we got engaged at age 17? Guess what? Also a wrong choice.

Here we are with our two kiddos after being happily married for 10 years:

You know what I wonder sometimes? What if I had listened to the negative voices of others? What if, instead of listening to God, I had been so spooked by the idea of people thinking I was making a wrong choice that I turned away from God's best for me?

Don't misunderstand meI'm a big believer in seeking counsel from wise people who love Jesus and have my best interest at heart. In marriage, parenting, career, and spiritual development, I regularly seek out people who are ahead of me so I can glean their knowledge and learn from their mistakes and successes.

What I'm talking about is when God puts something bold in front of us. Maybe it's becoming a foster parent. Maybe it's a community service project that makes our stomach squirm with nerves. Maybe it's an alternative kind of medicine for a health issue. Maybe it's moving to a neighborhood you never would've picked. Maybe it's taking a job that you're passionate about, but that comes with a big pay cut and uncertain future. Whatever it is, will you be brave enough to tune out the chorus of no's, and tune in to the (sometimes) quiet voice of God that says yesYes, this is the path to take. Trust me.

When talking about God-sized risks, Beth Moore once said about God, "I'm so far out on this limb with Him, He's the only one who could get me back down." May that be true of me too as I navigate this road.