He came already knowing the end,
to be mocked, spit on, and beaten,
to suffer as only He could,
to serve and give His life as ransom for many.
For Me.
For You.
For All.
His body broken.
His blood poured out.
Laying down His life,
to take it up again.
By choice, He laid it down.
By power, He laid it down,
and took it again.
In obedience to the Father
For Me.
For You.
For All.
He who is holy and righteous,
For Me, a sinner;
For You, a sinner;
For All have sinned.
Making a way,
rescuing the lost from the darkness,
reuniting that which sin separated,
to gather the furthest to Him.
For Me.
For You.
For All.
Offered Himself,
the one and only
pure and perfect sacrifice.
Eternal payment for all the world's sin.
For Me.
For You.
For All.
To save us from our past,
to gift us a new inheritance.
To forgive,
to restore,
to redeem,
to rescue.
Nanette Haskin
At-Home Study
Pray: ask God to reveal Himself to you through the scriptures, to help you receive the message He has specifically for you today.
Read: each passage twice in 2-3 different translations.
{Day 1} Isaiah 59:1-3
{Day 2} Romans 3:21-26
{Day 3} Acts 10:39-43
{Day 4} Romans 5:12-21
{Day 5} 1 John 1:5-2:2
Observe: What is happening? What catches your attention? What is the message of this passage?What thoughts or feelings does it provoke?
Reflect: Why do these things catch your attention? Why do you feel or think certain things from reading it?
Apply: What does this say about God? What does it say about people? What does it say about God's plan for us? What does this mean for you? How can you apply what God is saying to you?