
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wisdom Wednesday

Today is the last of our three-part study of the Song of Solomon. We are focusing our teaching today on Chapters 5 through 8. We hope you have enjoyed our condensed study of this amazing book.

Bible Study: Questions for Thought and Prayer

After reading Song of Solomon – Chapter 5 – 8 invite Jesus to bring understanding to you about how these scriptures apply to your life. All of us are at different maturity levels and his answer will be unique for each one of us. We are not to compare our journey with that of others. Our journey with Jesus is unique because we are one of a kind. Remember is our journey is a process. Give yourself grace to grow in love with Jesus. Relationships take time. Jesus sees you how you are in eternity so he is very patient with you. He will not beat you up, be disappointed, or angry. He knows you better than you know yourself. He is willing and ready to lead you into greater intimacy with him. Actually he is jealous for you and he wants you to have no other lover.

Maybe you consider yourself an immature believer, one who isn’t surrendered to his Jesus invitations to come closer. Take time today to ask Jesus what he wants to show you about his love for you. It is only by Jesus’ love that we are willing to let go of the things of the world. We require more of his love to let go of the things that seem meaningful and satisfying to us. We must be willing to let go of some of our earthly comfort to experiment with saying yes to him taking us to a new territory with him. There are always tradeoffs in life. We can’t have it all. We must trade pleasures of this world for pleasures of an unseen kingdom. It takes faith in the Father that he loves you.

What would happen if you created an experiment between you and God? Ask him “what would you like me to give up for more of you Jesus?” Would you be willing to respond if he told you? What keeps you from spending time with him? Is it worth it?

If you want to grow more in your intimacy with Jesus, consider answering some of the following questions as you set aside some time to grow a relationship with Jesus. A relationship with Jesus is an intentional act of obedience. A life that leaves a legacy doesn’t just happen. It is lived with intentionality.
  • What are your motives for seeking after Jesus?
  • The Bride overcame great fear to say yes to the height Jesus was calling her to? What are you most afraid Jesus will call from you?
  • Do you live in freedom or do you live in fear? Talk about what you could do to live a life of freedom with Jesus.
  • When Jesus pulled himself away this time, it was for the deepening of intimacy with her. Have you ever experience a “dark night of the soul”? If so, what did you glean from that season?
  • What are your next steps to developing your maturity journey?
  • Jesus asks the mature bride to “let me hear your voice” – How do you think this scripture relates to you?