What would it look like for God to bring in a new atmosphere
of worship in your life? Atmosphere can be described as the pervading tone or
mood of a place. If you had to list three pervading moods to best describe your
past week what would they be? Fear, Joy, Anxiety, Peace, Humor, Sadness…
What would it mean for you to live the ups and downs of your life in an atmosphere of worship this week? this month? this year?
Worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23) is about the way we live our lives because of who we
are. In Christ we get to walk around
as living sacrifices. Living.
Sacrifices. Here’s the thing: sacrifices aren’t
supposed to live. Because Jesus sacrificed his life for us, we get to live…our everyday dish washing, carpool driving, paycheck earning, coffee
drinking, diaper changing lives as living sacrifices for Him. We worship God with who we are, not with
what we’ve done or where we’ve been, or what we’ve achieved, or what we can do
for Him. In Jesus, we are God’s children, redeemed and forgiven, heirs to an eternal
kingdom, and not one ounce of it is our doing. It’s God’s mercy.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of
God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to
God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1
What do you say? Can 2015 have a new atmosphere of worship? Let’s remember that sacrifices don’t live, and yet we get to because of Jesus, and let that reality permeate every part of our lives until we can’t help but worship in gratitude and joy.
Jena M.