
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Leader Bio-Jade

Whose Day Highlight: Jade V.
Family Stats: Married  for (almost) 10 years Kyle.  We have two daughters, McKInley is 7 and Mollie is 5.
Spiritual Gifts: Hospitality/Leadership/Administration; I am structured and love to be with people, so I sometimes struggle with finding a balancing my time between getting my list done and connecting with people. I usually pick people, but it sure does feel good to cross things off my list!
Spiritual Pathways: I connected with God mostly through serving others.
Passions: Growing deeper with women, crafting, planning parties, and anything that has to do with my family.  I am passionate about making sure that I am being the mom that I want my girls to grow up to be.  I want them to see that I know that taking care of their body, mind and soul is important because they see that modeled at home.
Pet Peeves: Disorganization, running late (I don't care if others are late, but I cannot stand it when I am running late); 
Secret Shame: Online "timewasters" -facebook, pinterest, blogs-I love them all, but It is seriously so easy to spend too much time on them.
Books That You Love: Redeeming Love, The Help, Three Cups of Tea, Having A Martha Spirit In a Mary World (totally changed my life and perspective on my pace for life); A Mother's Heart (I have read this book over and over and I gain a newfound passion for Mothering each time) and of course, the Bible.
Can't Live Without: A cup of coffee in the morning and a Diet Coke and little bit of dark chocolate in the afternoon. This is my recipe for a happy day!
Favorite Room In Your House: My living room because it is our gathering place and is where we play games, read books and do puzzles together.
Favorite Tradition: Our daily connection time either at dinner or bedtime when we share our favorite thing about the day.