
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Leader Bio--Cindi

Whose Day Highlight:  Cindi H.
Family Stats:  I'm married to Ron, & we have two grown daughters.
Ashlee, who's in Mothers Together, is married to Kevin Broome, & they
have two children--Remy, 6 years old, & the newest member of our
family, little Bea, who's 6 weeks old.  Our other daughter, Lindsay,
is married to Adrian Taylor, & they have two new kittens!
Spiritual Gifts:  According to the book, "What You Do Best in the Body
of Christ," my spiritual gifts are--leadership, hospitality, & faith.
Spiritual Pathways:  According to the Spiritual Pathways Assessment, I
connect best to God when I'm with others (Relational), when I'm doing
great things (Activist), & when I'm worshiping (Worship).
Passions:  This is hard to narrow down, but I chose the following:  my
love for God, my love for my family (& my concern for families
everywhere), & my desire to do my own little part to preserve the
freedoms we enjoy in this country.
Pet Peeves:  This one was hard too:  Those in our culture who desire
to remove God from every area of our lives.
Secret Shames:  Messy closets in my house!
Books That You Love:  This one was really hard:  "The Bible" (It never
fails me), "Sink Reflections" (It helps with those messy closets :) &
"The Help" (I just finished it).
Can't Live Without:  Doses of God's love, being around my family
members, & to a lesser extent, listening to "Focus on the Family",
"Family Talk" & other similar broadcasts on Christian radio, & HGTV.
Favorite Room In My House:  My family room
Favorite (Annual) Tradition:  Most summers, we go on a beach vacation to Sanibel
Island, Fla. with our entire family.
Favorite (Holiday) Tradition:  Our extended family fills a shoebox for a child through Operation Christmas Child.  Each family unit brings an item for the shoebox when
we gather for dinner on Thanksgiving Day, & I mail it before
Christmas.  It feels good to do something tangible to express our
thanks to God.